Caspio REST API authentication is based on OAuth 2.0 protocol and supports client_credentials flow, meaning that before a client can access Caspio resources, it must be authenticated using Client ID/Secret pair that can be found on Caspio REST API profile page or profile properties. And all REST calls should be made in HTTPS. When successfully authenticated, a token is generated that must be used in all follow on calls to the resources endpoint.
Authentication request:
Method: POST URL: Body: grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=&client_secret=
You must replace Request URL, client_id, and client_secret with those provided in your Caspio account as shown below.
The image below shows a successful authentication call using Firefox RESTClient (add-on).
If authentication request is successful, client will receive access/refresh token pair that looks like:
{"access_token":"", "token_type":"bearer", "expires_in":86399, "refresh_token":""}
From this point on you will be using your resource endpoint instead of the token endpoint and every request will have to include the following header parameter:
Parameter name: Authorization Parameter value: Bearer <access token value>
You must replace <access token value> with the one provided in the previous step.
If you use Swagger UI to test your operations, enter the bearer <access token value> above in the authorization dialog window as shown below.
Alternative Authentication
As an alternative to including credentials in the request body, a client can use the HTTP Basic authentication scheme. In this case, authentication request will be setup in the following way:
Method: POST URL: Body: grant_type=client_credentials Header parameter: Authorization: Basic
The header parameter is the string “Client_ID:Client_Secret” encoded with the third-party website See Basic Authentication Realm.
Token Expiration and Renewal
Access tokens expire in 24 hours and refresh tokens expire in 1 year.
After the access tokens expire, 401 Unauthorized status code is returned. At this point you can re-authenticate using the instructions above, or you could refresh your token as described below. The choice is yours and depends on your use case and preference.
Making a refresh token request:
Method: POST URL: Body: grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token= Header parameters: Authorization: Basic Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Replace Request URL with your token endpoint URL (the one in Caspio on the Web Services Profile page).
The value for Authorization header parameter is “Basic Client_ID:Client_Secret”, where Client_ID:Client_Secret should be encoded with the third-party website: See Basic Authentication Realm below.
After the expiration of the refresh token, 401 Unauthorized status code will be returned and the client should re-authenticate using Client ID/Secret pair.
Basic Authentication Realm
In Alternative Authentication and Token Renewal sections above you will need to create a header parameter for Basic Authentication Realm. It is constructed by creating the string “Client_ID:Client_Secret”, and encoding it using the RFC2045-MIME variant of Base64. Your programming language may have a simple way of achieving this.