Release Notes

Logs (Beta)

We are excited to announce the beta release of Logs. This feature improves the previous user activity and payment logs, plus introduces new logs for SMS notifications. All logs now appear in a centralized redesigned interface accessible from the Tools menu.

Stay tuned for more enhancements coming soon, including additional log types and retention policy management.

Learn more about Logs (Beta).

Scheduled Import/Export Enhancements

Additional encryption and authentication modes are available when creating a repository site:

  • FTPS connections now support implicit encryption mode.
  • SFTP connections now support SSH private key authentication.

Learn more about setting up a Scheduled Task Repository Site.

Bug Fixes

87525DataPage WizardFixed required field validation when editing DataPages.
122752, 125359TablesFixed issue where Text64K fields defaulted to “Null” if left empty. New Text64K fields now default to blank values when left empty.
127587Rendered DataPagesFixed issue displaying validation message for required fields.
128126PDF GenerationFixed issue with List fields in PDF files downloaded from DataPages configured with Rules.
128141Rendered DataPagesFixed issue when data source field is used in PDF file name.
129528Payment IntegrationFixed issue with trailing zeros for submitted amounts in payment processing.
129507Rendered DataPagesFixed UI issue for list-string fields.
129608Error LogsFixed issue logging certain errors in cb_ErrorLog table.
130699Rendered DataPagesFixed error with Calculated Values in Details pages configured with Rules.
135957Rendered DataPagesFixed issue hiding Calculated Field labels in DataPages configured with Rules.
136862Triggered ActionsFixed issue updating certain parameter names in Triggered Actions.

Have a Feature Request?

Submit your ideas and feedback regarding product features in the Caspio Ideabox.