Caspio 9.5
Dec 07, 2016 • 5 minutes to readThis release includes a major upgrade to Caspio charts, plus improvements to Formula Fields, Lookup Fields, and more.
Release Notes
New Chart Types and Feature Improvements
Caspio’s data visualization capabilities have been improved with many new chart types and feature enhancements. You can add charts to your Caspio applications as standalone Chart DataPages or as part of Report DataPages.
New Chart Types
In the previous version, charts were limited to 6 chart types (Bar, Column, Line, Step, Spline and Pie). In the 9.5 release, 15 new chart types have been added to vastly expand the functionality and sophistication of Caspio charts. The complete list of all available chart types is shown below:

Chart Feature Improvements
- All charts were upgraded with a modern look and feel, including new animation effects and styles.
- Ability to plot a series based on data in a single field (also known as dynamic series or pivot charts).
- New options to display a subtitle and horizontal/vertical gridlines.
- The maximum number of series that can be displayed on a chart was increased from 5 to 20.
- New option to set chart width to “Auto” so the chart fills the entire width of the screen and dynamically adjusts as the screen is resized.
- New action menu for app users to print or download chart images.
- Ability to display percentages instead of values in pie, donut, funnel, and pyramid charts.
- New option for X and Y axis labels to automatically rotate at a 45% angle when there is limited space.
- Enhanced options to display values on the chart with a rollover DataTip, static label, both, or none.
- Ability for app users to show/hide each chart series interactively by clicking on the series name in the legend.
Upgrading Your Existing Charts
- Editing pre-existing charts will upgrade the DataPages to the 9.5 version, potentially affecting the layout, data formatting, and styling. Read about the new chart options and consider making a copy of pre-existing charts so you can test the new features.
- Pre-existing charts are not compatible with 9.5 charts when deployed together on the same web page. When deploying multiple charts on the same page, ensure all are using version 9.5.
- All Caspio-provided Style objects that have not been modified by customers will be automatically updated to incorporate the latest chart styling in this release. If you have modified the Styles in your account, Caspio will not automatically replace them, but you can download the latest Styles and import them into your account.
Updates to Formula Fields
Formula Fields are now available in the following areas of Caspio:
- Pivot Table Reports and Chart DataPages
- Calculated Fields in DataPages
- Lookup Fields in Relationships
- Record Level Security criteria and lookups
Updates to Lookup Fields
- Display values will now appear in Chart DataPages and Pivot drilldown reports. Note that Lookup Fields are not yet available in Pivot summary reports, but this enhancement is planned for a future release.
- It is now possible to render Lookup Fields as HTML, email hyperlinks, and URL hyperlinks.
Other Enhancements
- As a security safeguard, all deployed DataPages are automatically served in HTTPS. This enhancement has no adverse effect on existing DataPages, regardless of how they were originally deployed. Additionally, the Deploy dialog no longer displays the “Enforce secure connection” option.
- Sticky Header Row and Fixed Column features have been enhanced so that action-related elements (i.e. Search Again, Download, Sorting, Paging, Record Count, etc.) always remain visible while scrolling.
- In Pivot Table Reports, you can now add your own custom function in Calculated Fields. This option is available by selecting “Custom” in the “Summarize values by” dropdown.
- A new “Date” rollup option is now available in Report DataPages (in addition to the previous options that included Year, Month, Weekday and Hour).
- Pressing the “Enter” key in Reports with Grid Edit now automatically saves the record and moves the cursor to the cell below.
- A new “Edit” option is available on the View Datasheet screen to make it easier to open the View configuration directly from the Datasheet screen.
- The Microsoft Edge browser is now fully supported for deployed DataPages and the Caspio administrative interface.
Bug Fixes
ID | Area | Description |
28414 | DataPages | Fixed issue in Reports deployed to WordPress, where the confirmation message for bulk and inline delete operations did not display correctly. |
33353 | DataPages | Fixed issue when downloading data using Details Page fields, where the downloaded file did not include fields with File data type. |
32017 | DataPages | Fixed issue in Tabular Reports with Sticky Header Row enabled, where columns set to a specific width were not displaying correctly. |
31700 | DataPages | Fixed issue in Reports, where search results were not correctly returned when selecting all values in a multi-select listbox. |
34406 | Access Permissions | Fixed issue in the Caspio user interface, where a “Permission Denied” error message incorrectly appeared for account sub-users when editing a DataPage for which they had appropriate permissions. |
35589 | Import/Export | Fixed error in Import, where DataPages containing certain SQL sub-queries could not be imported. |
32724 | DataPages | Fixed issue in Rules, where a conditional rule to make a virtual field required was not enforced. |
35310 | DataPages | Fixed issue in Reports with Inline Edit and AJAX features enabled, where certain Style settings caused fields not to be editable during inline edit. |
30649 | DataPages | Fixed issue in DataPages, were Display Values were not shown if the lookup table and the child table were not in the same App. |
Impact Areas
Refer to the 9.5 Impacted Areas article for more information about the areas affected by this release.
Have a Feature Request?
Submit your ideas and feedback regarding product features in the Caspio Ideabox.