Open a table in Datasheet mode and click Filter from the actions bar to reveal the Filter form. This form allows you to find all records that match certain criteria.
- Use the first dropdown field to select the column in which to reference the filter.
- Use the second dropdown field to indicate the accuracy on which to search for values.
- Use the last field(s) to enter keywords or values on which to filter the table. The type and number of fields depend on your selections in the first and second dropdown fields.
You can require the filter to use all the criteria in the form (Match all) or just use any one or combination of them (Match any).
The Filter form also provides you with the ability to find any duplicate records by selecting the Show duplicates in field checkbox.
Adding and Removing Criteria
To add more criteria, click Add below the criteria list. This adds another row where you can specify a different combination of filtering options.
When you create multiple criteria, the Remove function becomes available beside each criterion row. Click this function to remove a criterion from the Filter form.
Applying a Filter
Once you have established your criteria, click Apply to filter the records in the Datasheet. You will notice that the Filter function at the actions bar has changed in color and replaced with Filtered. This indicates that the data displayed on the Datasheet is currently filtered.
To remove the filter, click Clear All on the Filter form.