Define how many calls your webhook can make within a second to avoid overloading the destination system. 

If the number of calls to send exceeds the call throttling value, all the webhook messages are created and queued to be sent in batches. The number of messages in each batch is based on your call throttling settings. To check how many messages were created and sent, you can compare their numbers in the list of webhooks, events, or in logs. For more information, see Testing Webhooks.

Note: The maximum limit that you can set depends on your plan.

Steps to configure call throttling in Caspio platform

  1. In the left panel on the main screen, click Webhooks. 
  2. In the list of webhooks, hover over a webhook that you want to edit, and then click Open. 
  3. On the webhook configuration page, select the Settings tab. 
  4. In the Call throttling section, click Edit. 
  5. In the Edit call throttling dialog box, enter the maximum number of calls that you want your webhook to send per second, and then click Save.Edit call throttling dialog box that lets you define the maximum number of calls a webhook makes per second

Steps to configure webhook call throttling through REST API

Use the following operations to programmatically edit call throttling through Caspio REST API. For a full list of available operations, see our Swagger UI documentation.