Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements

Increased File Size Limits

  • The data import process is enhanced to support significantly larger files of up to 500 MB.
  • File upload in DataPages has been improved to support files of up to 500 MB.

New Scheduled Task Connector to Box

The connection process to Box cloud storage is replaced to enhance security and offer a visual way to navigate and select a file.

Enhanced Date/Time Data Type

In preparation for a future release, the Date/Time data type is updated in Tables to support wider date ranges and precision. Stay tuned for more information on this feature.

New Sections in Styles

New sections were added in the Styles Wizard for the following elements: Error Messages, Field Error Messages, Calendar and Report Paging Controls, List/Gallery and Calendar Hints, and content of HTML Blocks.

Bug Fixes

62597ViewsFixed issue with Views where Formula Fields were not displayed in joins.
74377Pivot DataPagesFixed issue with Pivot Tables where additional columns were displayed under certain conditions.
75270ViewsFixed issue with filtering data where AND operator did not perform correctly in date field criteria.
75720Import/ExportFixed issue in Import Update where the “Match by” field was not selectable under certain conditions.
74890Scheduled TaskFixed issue in Scheduled Tasks where imported CSV files could not be parsed correctly.
75698DataPages WizardFixed problem with adding Logic blocks in Report filtering criteria.
74888Rendering DataPagesFixed issue in CSV data downloads from Results Pages where the underlying values of lookup fields were exported instead of the display values.
76879User LogsFixed issue in User Logs where data was not displayed properly when filtered “by month”.
64965Zapier IntegrationFixed error in Zapier integration for tables containing List-String data type fields.

Impact Areas

Refer to the Impacted Areas article for more information about the areas affected by this release.

3D-Secure Support for Payment Integration

Refer to the 19.5 Security Patch article for more information about the 3D-Secure Support.

Have a Feature Request?

Submit your ideas and feedback regarding product features in the Caspio Ideabox.