The following event types can trigger a webhook to send outgoing messages: 

  • table.recordInsert – triggers messages when a new record is added to a table 
  • table.recordDelete – triggers messages when a record is deleted from a table 
  • table.recordUpdate – triggers messages when either specific fields or all fields are updated in a table (that is, when their values change)

Important: In a single webhook, you cannot create two events with the same configuration. For each table in one outgoing webhook, you can define:

  • One table.recordInsert event 
  • One table.recordDelete event
  • One table.recordUpdate event for all fields or multiple table.recordUpdate events for different columns in a table 

You can configure your webhook to send messages based on the following actions that occur in tables: 

Source Action Webhooks Supported
DataPage  All single and bulk operations  Yes
REST API  All single and bulk operations  Yes
Triggered action  




Datasheet  Create record
Update record
Delete record
Delete selected records 
Replace value in records
Delete all records
Delete table
Change table design
Cascade-delete related records
Cascade-update related fields

Import    No
Data import/export task   No

When you configure a webhook event, you can select which changes can trigger webhook messages based on how the data is updated (through Datasheet, DataPages, REST APIs, Triggered actions, or Tasks). 

Note: If a triggered action is enabled for the same event as the webhook, fields with list data types will not be sent in the payload.