You can change the status of an event to pause and restart sending webhook messages depending on your needs. This option is available both in the Caspio platform and through REST API for individual events or for all the events in a webhook. 

The available statuses for webhooks and events are: 

  • Active – messages are generated and sent to the outgoing URLs. 
  • Inactive – messages are not processed at all. 

Steps to activate or deactivate events

  1. In the left panel on the main screen, click Webhooks 
  2. In the list of webhooks, hover over a webhook that you want to edit, and then click Open. 
  3. On the Events tab, hover over an event that you want to activate or deactivate, click More, and then select an action. 

Events tab of a sample webhook definition visible controls for activating and deactivating an event.

You can also change the event status in the Edit event panel, by selecting or clearing the Active checkbox.

The State column shows the updated status of the event. If you deactivate or activate all events in a webhook, the webhook state changes accordingly.